The ship of fools heading off to the "Devil's mountain"

La Paragua is the end of the road.
From here on it's uninhabited Gran Sabana until....

...coming in to land at the "village" of Canaima.

The beautiful Canaima lagoon

Behind the lagoon falls

From here on it's upstream with motorized river canoes ,
filled to the sinking point if going with a cheap tour...

The accomodation is rustic. Indian style.

The food is good and the shower's chilly.

The surrounds here are to put it mildly...


This "devil's canyon" sure is as magnificent as it's name might suggest !

The first glimse from the camp of the fall looks promising...
It appears to fall from the heavens !....fuckiinŽ eyy....

Just a bit higher than IguazuŽ I say....

Next is a half hour hike to the base of the fall.

Through some splendid pristine rainforest.

And finally , two days from the nearest "civilization" , there it is !


The moment has finally come to dip into the devil's waters.
Judging by the temperature this place is a long way from hell...
but I guess the indjns know best...